Spring Break to Antigua, Guatemala
Got spring break plans? Want to go somewhere warm and experience another culture? Did I say warm? Come with us to Antigua, Guatemala to provide water filters to those who do not have access to clean water. We will also spend some time engaging in spiritual conversations as we set up the filters for families. You do not have to have any spiritual background or religious belief to come on the trip. Plus, you will have a day off to either explore Antigua or hike a nearby volcano to roast a marshmallow over lava!
The cost of the trip is $1514, which includes a roundtrip flight, food, lodging, transportation in-country, hike on the day off, and a COVID test to return to the US. The deadline to sign up is December 4th with a $100 deposit. Please message me (Beth) if you have any questions and/or if money is an issue. We can assist you in fundraising and covering the cost of the trip if needed.
Sign up at this link: https://app.managedmissions.com/MissionApplication/Start/26448
**If you are a first-time user, you will need to sign up for a managed missions log-in.***